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SLA is offering 25 grants of up to $250 for Saskatchewan Library Week this year. All individual and institutional SLA members are eligible to apply.

These grants are not intended to pay for library equipment, staff wages or books, except where specific books relate to an SLW presentation or event. SLA will pay exact costs, with receipts, up to $250 after the successful applicant’s final grant report has been received.

Grant recipients must acknowledge the support of SLA and SaskCulture in all promotional materials (including social media) associated with the grant. Logos for you to use are on the Saskatchewan Library Week page, under the Sponsorship Logos tab at the bottom.

2024 Saskatchewan Library Week Grant Application

Where should the cheque be mailed(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Consider how the program can help your library achieve the following goals: • Entice new users and create excitement for library customers • Promote library services and resources • Promote curiosity and creativity (promote exploration, interaction and creative play) • Promote literacy and learning • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (welcoming diverse customers)
What is the theme or focus of your program? Choose any that apply. You will be asked to elaborate on this in your Final Report.(Required)
Libraries attract many types of customers. What type of customers will your program attract? How might you expand your audience? How can you adapt for various ages, interests and abilities? You will be asked to elaborate on this in the Final Report. Possible customers for my program include:(Required)
What are your plans for promoting your event?(Required)
Some elements to consider: • Access to print/digital resources in a variety of formats, including accessible ones. • Respectfully includes customs and/or traditions of other cultures, beliefs, and values. • Includes stories with respectful representation of diverse characters (ex. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.) • The inclusion of people with visible and invisible disabilities (ex. Materials/discussion is in plain language, an accessibility accommodation plan, provisions for mobility aids, sensory-friendly, etc.) • While a program may target a specific group of people (such as children participating in a story time), are not exclusionary to others who may benefit (such as a young adult with a learning disability)
User satisfaction, participation, support, and community engagement are great indicators to find out what are the benefits customers perceive from a program or activity they participated in at a library. How will you track and evaluate the impact your program has on your community? This can be as simple as collecting evaluations from participants, counting the number of participants and volunteers reporting on engagement with program promotion. You will be asked to give details about this in your final report.
If you do not currently receive SLA's monthly e-newsletter, would you like to be added to our list? If yes, share the email address you would like it sent to. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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