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Conference Attendance Continuing Education Grant

This grant is intended for any person who has not previously attended the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference, is currently working in a Saskatchewan library, and is seeking assistance with attendance at the conference.


You must hold an SLA individual membership or be covered by an institutional membership prior to applying. In cases where any resources of an institution/employer are implicated in the application, a letter of support from the official voting delegate or another appropriate representative of that institution must accompany the application.

Preference will be given to those who have not previously received a continuing education grant. Grants will not be awarded if suitable candidates do not apply.

Your application must contain:

  1. A description of your current employment activities
  2. One letter of reference supporting the value of attending the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference in relation to your current employment
  3. A one paragraph rationale statement stating the anticipated impact of attending the conference for you. This may include: relevance to your current work, limited access to professional development due to geography, limited access to financial supports, etc.
  4. A proposed budget of your expected costs (including registration, travel, accommodations, and meals)
  5. Any required support letter(s) if applicable, as outlined in the “Eligibility” section

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible expenses include registration fees, travel, accommodation, and meals. Receipts must be submitted with your expense claim.

SLA’s approved expense rates are:

  • Hotel per night – $175
  • Breakfast (per day) – $12
  • Lunch (per day) – $18
  • Supper (per day) – $23
  • Mileage (per km) – $0.55

Final Report & Fund Disbursement

If you are successful in your grant application, you must provide a one to two page report describing the event and the impact it had on your professional development. This report must be submitted to the SLA within four weeks of when you attended your continuing education event.

This report may be published in whole or in part by SLA in its communications (newsletter, website, social media, etc.).

Once you submit your final report and copies of your receipts to SLA, you will be reimbursed for eligible expenses up to $750.

Grant Amount:

All eligible expenses up to $750.

Application deadline:

February 15th annually.