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The Organizational Continuing Education Grant is open to any individual or institutional SLA member seeking financial assistance for the planning and promotion of a continuing education opportunity to be help in Saskatchewan and open to all SLA members. Preference will be given to those who have not received this grant in the past.

The grant covers eligible expenses up to $1,000. Eligible expenses include: guest speaker fees, room rentals, food, advertising, equipment, and books/supplies.

Successful applicants must commit to making their continuing education opportunity open to all SLA members and commit to acknowledging SLA as an event sponsor by using the SLA logo when promoting the event. Applications that require the support of an institutional member must include a letter of support from the official voting delegate or another appropriate representative of the institution.

Successful applicants must submit a final report, along with any required receipts, within four weeks after the date of the continuing education opportunity being hosted. SLA will mail a cheque for the exact amount of the eligible expenses up to $1,000 after receiving the final report and receipts.

Applications are now closed for this continuing education grant. Please check back in January 2025, when our second round of applications will open ahead of our February 15, 2025 application deadline.